Resolving Error Messages
Translated Document
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Resolving Error Messages
During development, we sometimes come across bug reports that SSP throws errors such as the following.
This section lists some helpful information on how to resolve error messages.
This is not a complete solution manual, but perhaps it will give you some hints.
[X] does not exist
This is the most commonly displayed error. In most cases, it is something like a typo in the animation ID or a failure to write a definition, and these are easily corrected. But, there are some that are difficult to deal with.
[GHOST]default(master) shell does not exist.
The shell/master folder is always required due to the specifications of ukagaka and without it, compatibility problems will occur.
However, if you really do not want to create a master shell, you can work around this by defining the following.
[SERIKO]Surface=0(or 10) not present.
According to the ukagaka specifications, surfaces 0 and 10 are treated specially, and are the "default surfaces" that are displayed in cases such as when a non-existent number is specified with the \s tag.
Aside from the number 0, there are a reasonable number of cases where you may not want to create a number 10. In those cases please add the following definitions.
What is it saying about the old/new definition?
"New definition, old version."
"Old definition, new version."
If you come across error messages such as these, take a look at the following.
The old and new definitions of SERIKO
In some cases, simply adding the following to the top of surfaces.txt will eliminate the error.
descript { version,1 }