Translated Document
This document has been translated from the original Japanese by members of the Ukagaka Dream Team community.
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The translator function in ghosts is called MAKOTO.
Can be placed on both the ghost and the shell side (in CROW it can only be on the ghost side).
When used on the ghost side, makoto.dll must be located directly under the master folder.
+-(myghost) +-ghost +-master +-makoto.dll +-descript.txt +-shiori.dll : :
When used on the shell side, makoto.dll must be located directly under the folder of each shell.
+-(myghost) +-shell +-master (or additional_shell) +-makoto.dll +-descript.txt +-surface*.png +-surface*.pna +-surfaces.txt : :
A mechanism to work as a filter and replace strings for scripts created by SHIORI.
If there is both ghost side and shell side translation, the ghost side is translated first, followed by the shell side.
Translation is performed just before the balloon is displayed.
Like SHIORI, there are many files that can be used as MAKOTO, and detailed usage instructions should be found in their respective documents.
In the past, it was used to add variety to dialogue in times when there was no SHIORI. Now such a role is primarily played by the SHIORI.
Nowadays, they are sometimes used for tricks such as changing the tone of voice depending on the shell.
Translate is also possible with the SHIORI Event OnTranslate (i.e., SHIORI also serves as MAKOTO on the ghost side).
If both MAKOTO and SHIORI perform translation, the processing order is SHIORI → MAKOTO.