Translated Document
This document has been translated from the original Japanese by members of the Ukagaka Dream Team community.
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Comparison of Baseware Features
Feature | MATERIA | SSP | CROW | ninix-kagari |
Console | ○ | × | × | △ |
Clock synchronization | ○ | ○ | ○ | × |
Headline | ○ | ◎ | ○ | × |
Email check | ○ | ○ | ○ | × |
Plugin | ○ | ◎ | × | × |
Main unit update | × | △ | ○ | × |
Shell scaling | × | ○ | ○ | ○ |
Dressup | △ | ○ | × | △ |
Calendar | × | ○ | × | × |
IM | × | ○ | × | × |
Multiple running ghosts | △ | ◎ | ○ | ○ |
Free movement of ghosts | × | ○ | × | × |
Multiple partners | × | ○ | × | ○ |
SSP headlines can also use RSS.
SSP's main unit update is a check function only.
Many plugins are SSP only.
MATERIA583 cannot use dressup on the partner's side due to a bug.
MATERIA allows multiple ghosts to run with multiple executables.
SSP can start multiple characters in one process.
Banner of recommended sites
Can only be displayed by MATERIA and SSP.
Banners should be placed in the */ghost/master/banner/ folder.
Follow the format of each shiori for urllist.
"Site Name" "URL" "Banner file name (do not include extension)"
Write them in the above order.
Production notes and notes on compatibility
In MATERIA, the number of new emails, number of files in network updates, etc., are counted starting from 0.
SSP and CROW start counting from 1.
In the case of SSP, setting useorigin1 of SHIORI Resource to 0 will result in the same zero-origin as MATERIA.
In MATERIA, surface numbers only go up to 8192.
MATERIA and CROW do not allow proper transparency when pna is used for overlay.
MATERIA's surface animation wait time is only recognized up to 10.
To make it longer, continue specifying the same animation multiple times.
Files encrypted by dft/dfp/dgt/dgp can only be loaded by SSP and CROW.
SSP is slightly faster in animation speed (lighter).
The input box of SSP can be used for other operations.
SSP and CROW can also use translucency for balloons.
However, the input box cannot be translucent.
SSP-only features
The follow image formats can be handled.
- Transparent display with 32bitPNG is possible.
The following compressed files can be installed.
surfacetable.txt (Replaces the surface test window display)
surfaces2.txt (surfaces.txt that can be overridden for SSP)
developer_options.txt (Text to specify files to exclude when creating updates2.dau and nar in SSP)
- Talk playback by dragging and dropping SSF files.