Dressup settings
Translated Document
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Ukagaka shells can have dressups. (For an explanation of the dressup itself, see "Shell settings - surfaces.txt" (specifically dressup (MAYUNA)).
Dressups allow you to switch parts of your character's appearance on and off within a single shell, when selected from the owner draw menu.
In the case of SSP, dressups can also be toggled with Sakura Script commands.
Dressup is only possible in MATERIA and SSP, and in CROW only the initial dressup configuration is displayed.
However, due to a bug, MATERIA only displays the dressup menu on the \0 side.
Therefore, SSP is the only one that is fully implemented, including characters from \1 and after.
The explanations on this page assume a certain level of understanding of animation settings themselves.
For more information on setting up animations, please refer to the "Write surfaces.txt - Animation section" of the "Shell Creation" page.
surfaces.txt setup
surface0 { animation0.interval,bind animation0.pattern0,add,100,0,0,0 animation0.pattern1,add,101,0,20,35 animation0.pattern2,reduce,102,0,0,0 animation0.pattern3,add,103,0,0,0 }
As shown above, animations with the bind interval are dressups.
Drawing methods such as add and reduce are described below.
The wait specitication is set to 0. If the interval of an animation is set to bind (i.e. it is a dressup), the wait is ignored no matter what it is specified as.
Offset positions with the X and Y coordinates can be specified in the same way as with ordinary animation patterns.
Also, the number "0" in animation0 is the ID of the animation, and this is especially important in the case of dressups.
About dressup drawing methods
In the original ukagaka, dressup was done using four methods: bind, add, reduce, and insert.
In SSP, methods such as base, overlay, overlayfast, replace, interpolate, and asis can additionally be used, the same as with normal animation.
However, methods that do not simply composite images, such as start, stop, and move, cannot be used.
descript.txt setup
In short, what you do in descript.txt is to prepare the dressups to display in the dressup section of the owner draw menu.
Write it as follows.
sakura.bindgroup0.name,Clothing,Apron dress,apron.png sakura.bindgroup1.name,Ribbon,White ribbon,ribbonwhite.png sakura.bindgroup2.name,Clothing,Black dress,black.png sakura.bindgroup3.name,Ribbon,Black ribbon,ribbonblack.png sakura.bindgroup0.default,1 sakura.bindgroup1.default,1 kero.bindgroup0.name,Necktie,Necktie kero.bindgroup1.name,Arm band,Black armband kero.bindgroup2.name,Arm,Drill kero.bindgroup0.default,1 kero.bindgroup1.default,1 sakura.menuitem0,2 sakura.menuitem1,3 sakura.menuitem2,- sakura.menuitem3,0 sakura.menuitem4,1 kero.menuitem0,0 kero.menuitem1,1 kero.menuitem2,- kero.menuitem3,2
By writing the above, "Apron dress", "Black dress", "White ribbon", and "Black ribbon" will appear in the dressup menu of the main character.
A "Necktie", "Armband", and "Arm" will appear in the menu on the partner character's side, and you will be able to take them on and off at will.
?.bindgroup* specifies, from left to right, category name, part name, and thumbnail name separated by commas.
At this time, the * number in "bindgroup*" corresponds to the animation ID of the dressup set in surfaces.txt.
Therefore, please note that the same clothes (dressup) must be given the same animation ID across all surfaces.
?.bindgroup*.default sets the dressup with the animation ID of * as the default dressup for that shell.
The above example configuration defaults to Apron dress & White ribbon, Necktie & Black armband.
If 0 is specified or the setting is omitted, the dressup is off by default.
?.menuitem*,* represents the structure of the menu item.
Assign the numbers in the order in which the menu should be displayed, add a comma to separate, then specify the number corresponding to the * in bindgroup* (note that the specification here is not the animation ID).
If "-" is written in place of bindgroupID, a separator (a dividing line) will be displayed at that position in the menu.
In the example above, the dressup menu of the main character shows, in order from top to bottom, Black dress, Black ribbon, (separator), Apron dress, White ribbon.
Thumbnails are displayed as a guide for menu selection.
You may omit it if you do not need it, but it may be useful if you have a large number of dressups or if it is difficult to associate the name of the dressup with the content of the dressup.
SSP dressup menu settings
To be written
Dressups with motion
To be written
The case of a dressup with a three-dimensional structure, where one dressup is behind and in front of another dressup
To be written