
Translated Document

This document has been translated from the original Japanese by members of the Ukagaka Dream Team community.

To see the original document, click here.

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The files in the balloon folder are as follows.

  +-balloons*.pna (Not available in MATERIA)
  +-balloonk*.pna (Not available in MATERIA)
  +-balloonp*def*.png  (Since SSP 2.5.51)
  +-balloonp*def*.pna  (Since SSP 2.5.51)
  +-balloonc*.pna  (Since SSP 2.5.37)
  +-balloonc*s.txt  (Since SSP 2.5.37)
  +-arrows0.png  (Since SSP 2.4.78)
  +-arrows1.png  (Since SSP 2.4.78)
  +-arrowk0.png  (Since SSP 2.4.78)
  +-arrowk1.png  (Since SSP 2.4.78)
  +-arrowp*def0.png  (Since SSP 2.5.51)
  +-arrowp*def1.png  (Since SSP 2.5.51)
  +-ok_down.png/ok_up.png (SSP only)
  +-cancel_down.png/cancel_up.png (SSP only)
  +-mode_down.png/mode_up.png (SSP only)
  +-sstp_new.png (SSP only)
  +-sstp_newk.png  (Since SSP 2.5.51)
  +-sstp_newp*def.png  (Since SSP 2.5.51)
  +-marker.png (SSP only)
  +-markers.png  (Since SSP 2.4.78)
  +-markerk.png  (Since SSP 2.4.78)
  +-markerp*def.png  (Since SSP 2.5.51)
  +-clickwait.png  (Since SSP 2.5.54)
  +-clickwaits.png  (Since SSP 2.5.54)
  +-clickwaitk.png  (Since SSP 2.5.54)
  +-clickwaitp*def.png  (Since SSP 2.5.54)

File that identifies the balloon.

There are more items listed compared to the descript.txt of ghosts and shells.

See link for details.


Individual configuration file for each balloon.

If you prepare a surface with a corresponding ID (balloons1s.txt for balloons1.png), it will be applied to that surface specifically, overwriting the description in descript.txt.

This is used to change settings for only surfaces with a specific ID, etc.

※Note the "s" in the file name (balloons*s.txt, not balloons*.txt).

Also available for input boxes, specified as balloonc*s.txt.

See link for details.


For balloon authors to indicate the source of distribution, etc.

Can be omitted, but if provided, it can be referenced during installation or from the baseware menu, etc.


Main character balloon.

* is the number that will be the balloon's surface ID.

There are two sets: even-numbered IDs are left-facing balloons, and odd-numbered IDs are right-facing balloons.

Generally, the assignment is as follows, but you are free to add sets like 4-5, 6-7, etc., or just 0-1.

  • balloons0.png and balloons1.png ... Normal balloons (left/right)
  • balloons2.png and balloons3.png ... Vertical balloons (left/right)

Not available in MATERIA.

A grayscale png image (black = transparent ←→ opaque = white) renamed to the extension pna.

If you have a pna corresponding to a png with the same ID (balloons0.pna for balloons0.png), you can use it as the transparency setting.

SSP also allows the alpha channel of the png itself to be used, via the settings.

This file can be omitted.


Side character balloon (or from the third character and onwards).

Basically the same as balloons*.png, but the vertical size is generally slightly smaller.

This file can be omitted. If omitted, the corresponding ID on the main character side is used.


A balloonk*.png version of balloons*.pna. See balloons*.pna above for explanation.


Balloons for the third and subsequent characters. The balloon for \p[2] will be balloonp2def0.png / balloonp2def1.png.

This file can be omitted. When omitted, balloonk is used. balloons is used if balloonk is not available.


A balloonp*def*.png version of balloons*.pna. See balloons*.pna above for explanation.


Balloon input window.

The * is numbered from 0 to 3 (4 for SSP), and each numbered file corresponds to the following.

  • balloonc0.png …… Send box
  • balloonc1.png …… Communicate box
  • balloonc2.png …… Teach box
  • balloonc3.png …… Input box
  • balloonc4.png …… Address Bar box(SSP only)

Input box version of balloons*.pna.


Image displayed while receiving network information.

The images are run in numerical order as a repeating animation.


An image used to indicate scrolling text.

0 is up, 1 is down.

In SSP, exclusive arrows can be defined for the main and side characters. See below.

  • Shown when receiving SSTP, displaying sender information, etc.
  • Shown when executing \![*] tag (same as %* for SSP).

In SSP, exclusive settings can be set for each character. See below.


Thumbnail displayed when selecting a balloon in the menu tree.

Acceptable image formats are png or jpg.

A png renamed to pnr treats the color in the upper left corner of the image (coordinates 0,0) as transparency.

This file can be omitted.

The following are for SSP only. All can be omitted.

Image of the OK button of the input box system.


Image of the cancel button of the input box system.


Image of the mode switching button.

sstp_new.png / sstp_newk.png / sstp_newp*def.png

An image used to display sender information and other information when receiving SSTP (unlike sstp.png, this image is for this purpose only).

marker.png / markers.png / markerk.png / markerp*def.png

The image displayed with the \![*] tag (same as %* for SSP) (unlike sstp.png, this image is for this purpose only).

markers is for the main character (recommended to use "marker" to support older versions), markerk is for the side character, and markerp2def and later are for \p[2] and subsequent characters.

arrows*.png / arrowk*.png / arrowp*def.png

Image used to indicate scrolling text. For SSP 2.4.78 and later only.

0 is up, 1 is down.

arrows is for the main character (recommended to use "arrow" to support older versions), arrowk is for the side character, and arrowp2def and later are for \p[2] and subsequent characters.

clickwait.png / clickwaits*.png / clickwaitk*.png / clickwaitp*def.png

Image used to indicate that it is waiting for a click (\x). SSP 2.5.54 or later only.

clickwaits is for the main character, clickwaitk is for the side character, and clickwaitp2def and later are for \p[2] and subsequent characters.