Character code to be used. Shift_JIS is recommended for compatibility with older environments, otherwise UTF-8 is recommended.
(OS default setting or SSP -> Internationalization -> Default charset -> Text definition)
Name of the balloon.
Cannot be omitted
Fileset type. For balloons, "balloon".
Cannot be omitted | balloon (on SSP)
ID name of the balloon. Alphanumeric characters only.
No value
Author's URL.
No value
Network update URL.
No value
The name of the balloon explanation text file that is opened during installation or from the owner draw menu.
Character code of the explanation text file.
(OS default setting or SSP -> Internationalization -> Default charset -> readme)
Cursor used for clickable areas of the balloon. Can be written as "mousecursor" starting with SSP 2.5.40
Cursor specified by ghost → Cursor set by OS (arrow)
Cursor used for input boxes (I-BEAM).
Cursor specified by ghost → Cursor set by OS (type I)
Cursor used when something is being processed and it cannot respond (wristwatch type).
Cursor specified by ghost → Cursor set by OS (wristwatch)
Cursor used for areas of the balloon that are not clickable.
Cursor specified by ghost → Cursor set by OS (arrow)
X coordinate of the text start position.
Y coordinate of the text start position.
Left side of the text display area.
Top side of the text display area.
Right side of the text display area.
Bottom side of the text display area.
X coordinate at which automatic line breaks are applied and the text wraps.
Font to be used. Default is MS Gothic.
The font name can also be a font file placed in the balloon's folder (SSP only).
Multiple font names can be specified, separated by commas. These are automatically selected from based on which are installed, with the order they are written in serving as the priority order. (SSP Only.)
MS Gothic
The height value of the font to be used. (Unit is pixels, not points.)
Red value of the font color (0–255).
Green value of the font color (0–255).
Blue value of the font color (0–255).
Red value of the font drop shadow color (0–255). Disabled with "none".
Green value of the font drop shadow color (0–255). Disabled with "none".
Blue value of the font drop shadow color (0–255). Disabled with "none".
The style of the font drop shadow. Displays a drop shadow to the bottom right of the text when offset is specified, and a border surrounding the text when outline is specified.
Always display font in bold. 0 to disable, 1 to enable.
Always display font in italic. 0 to disable, 1 to enable.
Always underline text. 0 to disable, 1 to enable.
Always strike out text. 0 to disable, 1 to enable.
Always display as an outline. 0 to disable, 1 to enable.
Defines light colored text that means the operation is disabled. It is utilized in \f[disable] (or \f[color,disable], etc.).
For the "font definition", each definition beginning with "font." can be specified. The definition method is the same.
Example: disable.font.color
For disable.font.color only, it is a color mixed with the balloon image color. The rest are the same as the "font." definition group.
Appearance of the choice marker.
"square" displays a rectangle.
"underline" displays with an underline.
"square+underline" displays a rectangle and an underline.
Raster operation commands for choice markers.
"none" for none.
"notmaskpen" for r2_notmaskpen.
"mergepennot" for r2_mergepennot.
For SSP only, all operators that can be used with the SetROP2 function of Win32API can be specified (Reference: SetROP2 function (external site)).
In this case also, specify the mode name in lowercase without "R2_".
Red value of the font color for choice markers (0–255).
Used when there is no raster operation command.
Green value of the font color for choice markers (0–255).
Used when there is no raster operation command.
Blue value of the font color for choice markers (0–255).
Used when there is no raster operation command.
Red value of the choice marker drop shadow (0–255).
Used when there is no raster operation command.
Green value of the choice marker drop shadow (0–255).
Used when there is no raster operation command.
Blue value of the choice marker drop shadow (0–255).
Used when there is no raster operation command.
The style of the choice marker drop shadow. Displays a drop shadow to the bottom right of the text when offset is specified, and a border surrounding the text when outline is specified.
Used when there is no raster operation command.
Red value of the choice marker rectangle border and underline color (0–255).
Green value of the choice marker rectangle border and underline color (0–255).
Blue value of the choice marker rectangle border and underline color (0–255).
Red value within the choice marker rectangle (0–255).
Green value within the choice marker rectangle (0–255).
Blue value within the choice marker rectangle (0–255).
Appearance of choice markers that are not hovered over.
"square" displays a rectangle.
"underline" displays with an underline.
"square+underline" displays a rectangle and an underline.
Red value for choices that are not hovered over (0–255).
Used when there is no raster operation command.
Green value for choices that are not hovered over (0–255).
Used when there is no raster operation command.
Blue value for choices that are not hovered over (0–255).
Used when there is no raster operation command.
Red value for the drop shadow of choices that are not hovered over (0–255).
Green value for the drop shadow of choices that are not hovered over (0–255).
Blue value for the drop shadow of choices that are not hovered over (0–255).
The style of the choice marker drop shadow when not hovered over. Displays a drop shadow to the bottom right of the text when offset is specified, and a border surrounding the text when outline is specified.
Red value of the rectangle border and underline for choices that are not hovered over (0–255).
Green value of the rectangle border and underline for choices that are not hovered over (0–255).
Blue value of the rectangle border and underline for choices that are not hovered over (0–255).
Red value within the rectangle of choices that are not hovered over (0–255).
Green value within the rectangle of choices that are not hovered over (0–255).
Blue value within the rectangle of choices that are not hovered over (0–255).
Red value of the anchor font color (0–255).
Green value of the anchor font color (0–255).
Blue value of the anchor font color (0–255).
Red value of the anchor drop shadow color (0–255).
Green value of the anchor drop shadow color (0–255).
Blue value of the anchor drop shadow color (0–255).
The style of the anchor drop shadow. Displays a drop shadow to the bottom right of the text when offset is specified, and a border surrounding the text when outline is specified.
Appearance of anchor text that is hovered over.
"square" displays a rectangle.
"underline" displays with an underline.
"square+underline" displays a rectangle and an underline.
Anchor raster operation command.
"none" for none.
"notmaskpen" for r2_notmaskpen.
"mergepennot" for r2_mergepennot.
For SSP only, all operators that can be used with the SetROP2 function of Win32API can be specified (Reference: SetROP2 function (external site)).
In this case also, specify the mode name in lowercase without "R2_".
Red value of the rectangle border and underline for anchor text that is hovered over (0–255).
Green value of the rectangle border and underline for anchor text that is hovered over (0–255).
Blue value of the rectangle border and underline for anchor text that is hovered over (0–255).
Red value within the rectangle for anchor text that is hovered over (0–255).
Green value within the rectangle for anchor text that is hovered over (0–255).
Blue value within the rectangle for anchor text that is hovered over (0–255).
Appearance of anchor text that is not hovered over.
"square" displays a rectangle.
"underline" displays with an underline.
"square+underline" displays a rectangle and an underline.
Red value of the anchor font color when not hovered over (0–255).
Used when there is no raster operation command.
Green value of the anchor font color when not hovered over (0–255).
Used when there is no raster operation command.
Blue value of the anchor font color when not hovered over (0–255).
Used when there is no raster operation command.
Red value of the anchor drop shadow color when not hovered over (0–255).
Green value of the anchor drop shadow color when not hovered over (0–255).
Blue value of the anchor drop shadow color when not hovered over (0–255).
The style of the anchor drop shadow when not hovered over. Displays a drop shadow to the bottom right of the text when offset is specified, and a border surrounding the text when outline is specified.
Red value of the rectangle border and underline for anchor text that is not hovered over (0–255).
Green value of the rectangle border and underline for anchor text that is not hovered over (0–255).
Blue value of the rectangle border and underline for anchor text that is not hovered over (0–255).
Red value within the rectangle for anchor text that is not hovered over (0–255).
Green value within the rectangle for anchor text that is not hovered over (0–255).
Blue value within the rectangle for anchor text that is not hovered over (0–255).
Appearance of visited anchors.
"square" displays a rectangle.
"underline" displays with an underline.
"square+underline" displays a rectangle and an underline.
Red value of the visited anchor font color (0–255).
Green value of the visited anchor font color (0–255).
Blue value of the visited anchor font color (0–255).
Red value of the visited anchor drop shadow (0–255).
Green value of the visited anchor drop shadow (0–255).
Blue value of the visited anchor drop shadow (0–255).
The style of the visited anchor drop shadow. Displays a drop shadow to the bottom right of the text when offset is specified, and a border surrounding the text when outline is specified.
Red value of the rectangle border and underline for visited anchor text that is hovered over (0–255).
Green value of the rectangle border and underline for visited anchor text that is hovered over (0–255).
Blue value of the rectangle border and underline for visited anchor text that is hovered over (0–255).
Red value within the rectangle for visited anchor text that is hovered over (0–255).
Green value within the rectangle for visited anchor text that is hovered over (0–255).
Blue value within the rectangle for visited anchor text that is hovered over (0–255).
X coordinate of the marker used when waiting for the user to click.
Same as arrow1
Y coordinate of the marker used when waiting for the user to click.
Same as arrow1
X coordinate of the SSTP marker.
Y coordinate of the SSTP marker.
X coordinate of the start position of the SSTP message display.
Y coordinate of the start position of the SSTP message display.
X coordinate of the end position of the SSTP message display. (*Position is relative to the right side if a negative value is specified.)
The animation display switching interval for the online marker. Cannot be less than 50 ms to avoid unnecessarily increasing the load.
X coordinate of the online marker.
Y coordinate of the online marker.
Font to use for the SSTP message. Default is MS Gothic.
The font name can also be a font file placed in the balloon's folder (SSP only).
Multiple font names can be specified, separated by commas. These are automatically selected from based on which are installed, with the order they are written in serving as the priority order. (SSP Only.)
MS Gothic
The height value of the SSTP message font. (Unit is pixels, not points.)
Red value of the SSTP message font color (0–255).
Green value of the SSTP message font color (0–255).
Blue value of the SSTP message font color (0–255).
Font to be used for the file counter.
The font name can also be a font file placed in the balloon's folder (SSP only).
Multiple font names can be specified, separated by commas. These are automatically selected from based on which are installed, with the order they are written in serving as the priority order. (SSP Only.)
MS Gothic
The height value of the file counter font (Unit is pixels, not points.)
Red value of the file counter (0–255).
Green value of the file counter (0–255).
Blue value of the file counter (0–255).
X coordinate of the file counter. Text displays with a right starting point.
Y coordinate of the file counter.
X coordinate of the up arrow of the scroll marker.
Y coordinate of the up arrow of the scroll marker.
X coordinate of the down arrow of the scroll marker.
Y coordinate of the down arrow of the scroll marker.
Font to be used in the input box.
The font name can also be a font file placed in the balloon's folder (SSP only).
Multiple font names can be specified, separated by commas. These are automatically selected from based on which are installed, with the order they are written in serving as the priority order. (SSP Only.)
MS Gothic
Red value of the input box font color (0–255).
Green value of the input box font color (0–255).
Blue value of the input box font color (0–255).
Red value of the input box background color (0–255).
Color of the center of the input box image
Green value of the input box background color (0–255).
Color of the center of the input box image
Blue value of the input box background color (0–255).
Color of the center of the input box image
X coordinate of the starting point of the input area.
Y coordinate of the starting point of the input area.
Width of the input area.
Height of the input area.
Display setting for areas that are not transparent according to the transparency value, even though they are the transparency color of the image (the color of the pixel in the top left corner of the image).
If 0, the original color of the image (transparency color) is displayed with the specified transparency.
If 1, the image is filled with black instead of the color of the image, and then displayed with the specified transparency.
For example, if you specify 0 and prepare a pure white pna image, it will be displayed as it is without a transparency color.
This setting can only be set globally for the entire balloon, and cannot be overridden.
Unspecified (behavior is equivalent to 1 for images with pna as transparency, and 0 for images with the alpha channel of the image itself as transparency)
If set to 1, the alpha channel of the balloon surface itself is used for the transparency value, not the pna.
Even if it is set to 1, pna is used for surfaces that do not have an alpha channel.
Note that input box balloons cannot be made translucent unles use_input_alpha is also set to 1.
This setting can only be set globally for the entire balloon, and cannot be overridden.
If set to 1, the balloon of the input box is also made translucent. However, the frame of the input area cannot be made translucent.
This setting can only be set globally for the entire balloon, and cannot be overridden.
If set to 1, image parts such as the online marker and SSTP markers may be drawn outside the balloon.
This setting can only be set globally for the entire balloon, and cannot be overridden.
X axis adjustment of the balloon from its basic position.
Specify a number in pixels or by keywords.
In the case of numbers, + moves towards the shell and - moves away.
"center" (or in SSP only, "top") to lock it to the top center of the shell.
"bottom" (SSP only) to lock it to the bottom center of the shell.
In SSP only, it can also be written in descript.txt.
Y axis adjustment of the balloon from its basic position.
Specify a number in pixels. Note that + moves towards the bottom, and - moves towards the top.
The basic position depends on the specification of windowposition.x:
center/top - Positioned so the bottom edge of the balloon meets the top edge of the shell image.
bottom - Positioned so the top edge of the balloon meets the bottom edge of the shell image.
Number specification - Positioned so the top edge of the balloon and the top edge of the shell image are aligned.
In SSP only, it can also be written in descript.txt.
Whether to force the balloon to stay within the screen or not. 1 to keep it within the screen, 0 to not keep it in the screen (if it tries to leave the screen, it will be ignored).
In SSP only, it can also be written in descript.txt.
Specify the name of the image file for the scroll arrow. No extension is required.
For example, if "arrow" is set, arrow0 (top) and arrow1 (bottom) are used automatically.
arrow / individual: arrows,arrowk,arrowp*def
Specify the name of the image file for the SSTP marker. No extension is required.
sstp or sstp_new / individual: sstp_news,sstp_newk,sstp_newp*def
Specify the name of the image file to be displayed with the \![*] tag. No extension is required.
marker / individual: markers,markerk,markerp*def
Specify the name of the image file for the online marker. No extension is required.
For example, if "online" is set, the images are loaded in the order online0, online1, online2... and displayed as an animation while online.
online / individual: onlines,onlinek,onlinep*def
Specify the name of the image file for the display while waiting for the user to click. No extension is required.
clickwait / individual: clickwaits,clickwaitk,clickwaitp*def
Recommended ghost name. If you try to use it with a ghost other than this, you will get a strong warning.
None specified
Relative path of the recommended ghost. If you try to use it with a ghost other than this, you will get a strong warning.
None specified