Network Update
Translated Document
This document has been translated from the original Japanese by members of the Ukagaka Dream Team community.
To see the original document, click here.
To submit corrections/updates, see our repository to open an issue or find where to contact us.
See the "Support for Network Updates" page for information on setting up network updates.
The placement of files related to network updates is as follows.
- For a ghost
+-(myghost) +-ghost +-shell +-updates2.dau +-updates.txt +-delete.txt +-delete1.txt (SSP only / delete[number].txt can also be recognized) +-developer_options.txt (SSP only) +-readme.txt +-thumbnail.png
- (SSP only) If you want to make additional shells compatible with network updates
+-(myshell) +-ghost +-shell +-updates2.dau +-updates.txt +-delete.txt +-delete1.txt (SSP only / delete[number].txt can also be recognized) +-developer_options.txt +-readme.txt +-thumbnail.png
- (SSP only) If you want to make the balloon compatible with network updates
+-(myballoon) +-updates2.dau +-updates.txt +-delete.txt +-delete1.txt (SSP only / delete[number].txt can also be recognized) +-developer_options.txt +-descript.txt +-balloons*s.txt +-balloonk*s.txt +-readme.txt +-balloons*.png +-balloonk*.png : :
In addition, plugins, headlines, etc., can be similarly placed in their own folders.
- updates2.dau
A file that lists the MD5 hash values, etc., of files to be updated.
It is used in network updates to detect whether a file has been corrupted or tampered with, by comparing the file on the server and the file that was actually downloaded.
It is usually created by using baseware functions, etc., and does not need to be edited by a person.
See the "Support for Network Updates" page for creation procedures, etc.
- updates.txt
It fulfills almost the same purpose as updates2.dau. One or the other is all that is needed (it does not matter if you have both).
In addition to slightly different formatting, it avoids problems such as not being able to upload dau due to extension restrictions.
- delete.txt
File deletion configuration file.
Place in the same location as updates2.dau on the server.
It is used for purposes such as preventing files that are no longer needed from adding bloat.
See link for formatting and details.
- developer_options.txt
SSP only.
Place updates2.dau in the location where you want to create it.
File for specifying files to be excluded when creating updates2.dau (updates.txt) in SSP.
It does not have to be uploaded on the server (this can be done by specifying itself as an excluded file, etc.), but there is no harm in having it, so feel free to consider situations such as users recreating the nar file.
See link for formatting and other details.