Character code to be used. Shift_JIS is recommended for compatibility with older environments, otherwise UTF-8 is recommended.
(OS default setting or SSP -> Internationalization -> Default charset -> Text definition)
Name of the object.
Cannot be omitted
Type of archive content. The types are as follows.
[Old specification] (SSP only) If only "calendar" is written, it is treated as equivalent to "calendar skin".
This is a compatibility specification from a time when there was no calendar plugin, and should not be written now.
Cannot be omitted
The name of the main side that can receive the archive (=\0 name, sakura name).
Or, the name set in install.accept install.accept in the ghost's descript.txt file is also acceptable.
This name must be used in content to be passed to a specific ghost, such as additional shells and additional files (supplement).
No behavior
The name of the directory after the archive is installed. Half-width alphanumeric characters are recommended.
Cannot be omitted/Not required only for type,package.
If the number is set to 1, all files in the same directory are erased before installation.
Any value other than 1 (refresh disabled)
Name of the file to be excluded from refresh erasure.
If there is more than one, separate them with a colon ":".
Path cannot be specified. Files with the specified filename in all directories are excluded.
No behavior
Post-installation directory name of the content to be installed at the same time. Half-width alphanumeric characters are recommended.
The * portion contains the type (balloon, headline, plugin,, or calendar.plugin) of the content to be installed at the same time.
If you want to install multiple items of the same type, you can write the * part with a number after the type, such as balloon0, balloon1...
Can only be set if type is ghost or shell.
No behavior
Directory name in the archive of the contents to be installed at the same time. Half-width alphanumeric characters are recommended.
Set this if the directory name after installation and the directory name in the archive do not match for the content to be installed at the same time.
Directory name set in *.directory
refresh settings for content to be installed at the same time.
Any value other than 1 (refresh disabled)
refreshundeletemask settings of the content to be installed at the same time.
No behavior
List the files to be deleted during network updates by path relative to the ghost's home folder.
Relative path hierarchy is delimited by "\".
It is also possible to specify an entire folder, in which case end with \.
No behavior
Specify comma-separated options for files/folders, indicated by relative paths from the ghost's home folder.
Relative path hierarchies are separated by a "/", not a "\".
When specifying a folder, add / at the end.
* and ? can be used as wildcards (since SSP 2.5.17).
The options are as follows.
Note that these are controls when creating files, so they are only effective when creating nar or update files using SSP or the function of an application that can recognize this file.
No behavior
Specify comma-separated options for files, indicated by relative paths from the ghost's home folder.
Cannot be specified per folder.
If the ignore option is present, the target is not included in the update information when creating updates2.dau (updates.txt).
No behavior