Translated Document
This document has been translated from the original Japanese by members of the Ukagaka Dream Team community.
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The files in the master ghost folder are as follows.
+-(myghost) +-ghost +-master +-descript.txt +-shiori.dll +-(saori).dll +-makoto.dll +-updates2.dau (Old specification) +-updates.txt (Old specification) +-*.ico +-*.cur +-thumbnail.png
- descript.txt
File to identify the ghost.
Without it, the system will not recognize it.
See link for details, including descriptions of the items in this document.
- updates2.dau
- updates.txt
File with update information.
This location is the old specification - it only needs to be directly under the root (directly under (myghost)).
See link for details.
- shiori.dll
Ghost core. Basically essential.
Many general-purpose SHIORI are available, so they are usually used.
It is responsible for receiving SHIORI Events sent from the baseware (e.g., SSP), constructing a Sakura Script—which is the ghost's operating instructions—and returning it to the baseware. (Supplementary explanation.)
The actual dialogue writing process and other core aspects of the ghost-creation process vary completely from SHIORI to SHIORI, so please refer to the documentation for the respective SHIORI.
- (saori).dll
SHIORI extension modules.
Generally, it should be placed in the same directory as shiori.dll.
However, relative paths can also be specified when calling it from SHIORI.
The procedure for use is up to SHIORI, so refer to the documentation on the SHIORI side.
This file is optional.
- makoto.dll
DLL for performing text operations.
See link for details. Can also be installed on the shell side.
This file is optional.
- *.ico
Icon file.
32×32 and 16×16 can be used.
Displayed when iconified, in the ghost explorer, etc.
This file is optional. If omitted, the default icon is used.
- *.cur
Cursor file.
The cursor changes to the designated cursor when over the ghost.
This file is optional. If omitted, the cursor remains as it normally is.
- thumbnail.png
Thumbnail displayed when the ghost is selected in the menu tree.
Accepted image formats are png or jpg.
A png renamed to pnr treats the color in the upper left corner of the image (coordinates 0,0) as transparency.
This file is optional.
For details on such items, please refer to the documentation of each SHIORI you use.