Owner Draw Menu
Translated Document
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Images for the owner draw menu (right click menu).
+-(myghost) +-shell +-master +-descript.txt +-readme.txt +-surface*.png +-surface*.pna +-(element).png +-(element).pna +-surfaces.txt +-surfaces**.txt +-alias.txt +-thumbnail.png +-makoto.dll +-surfacetable.txt +-menu_background.png +-menu_foreground.png +-menu_sidebar.png
In practice, the file does not necessarily have to be in the above location, but may be in a folder, etc.
When setting up the owner draw menu via SHIORI Resource, it is more convenient to have it on the ghost/master side (since it is specified by a relative path from ghost/master).
- menu_background.png
Background image for the owner draw menu.
The menu area will be the size of the menu, not the image.
Can be omitted (standard menu display will be used).
- menu_foreground.png
Image of the portion of the owner draw menu that the cursor has selected.
Can be omitted (standard menu display will be used).
- menu_sidebar.png
An image that can be added to the left side of the owner draw menu.
The width of the image will be the width of the display on the menu, but the same is not true of the height.
In both cases, images, text color, etc., are specified by the shell's descript.txt or SHIORI Resource.
When designated via SHIORI Resource, it can be used for tricks such as a ghost with interchangeable characters, or a mode-switching function that changes the menu display according to its state.
If specified in both the shell-side descript.txt and via SHIORI Resource, SHIORI Resource takes precedence.
The file name of each images does not necessarily have to be the same as in the example above (any name is acceptable).
See also the Owner Draw Menu Settings page for more information.
Where the menu image ends, the menu is filled in with a single color from the image edges.
If not specified, it will be a generic popup.