Basic shell configuration file.
In addition to the shell name and author information, the display position of the balloon, image setting of the owner draw menu (right-click menu), and the display settings for dressup in the owner draw menu are also written here.
kero.balloon.alignment,none,Clothing,Apron dress,apron,Ribbon,White ribbon,ribbonwhite,Clothing,Black dress,black,Ribbon,Black ribbon,ribbonblack
sakura.bindgroup1.default,1,Necktie,Necktie,Arm Band,Black arm band,Arm,Drill
type and name are required.
In SSP, it is possible to perform network updates from the Explorer, etc., by setting a homeurl for the shell as well.
See the respective sections below for more information on each of the dressup settings.
The basic mechanism is that the name and category name of each dressup are assigned to the animation ID of the bind interval defined in surfaces.txt (sakura(kero).bindgroup*.name,~), and the placement on the owner draw menu is also specified (sakura(kero).menuitem*,~).
Note that strings beginning with \ or % are considered tags in Sakura Script or environment variables, and are discarded due to security risks. If you want to include them as just characters, you need to escape them as \\ or \%.
Character code to be used. Shift_JIS is recommended for compatibility with older environments, otherwise UTF-8 is recommended.
(OS default setting or SSP -> Internationalization -> Default charset -> Text definition)
Name of the shell.
Cannot be omitted
ID name of the shell. Single-byte alphanumeric characters only. (All characters are acceptable in SSP)
So far it has no use other than to appear in a console-like display at startup.
In SSP, this setting is invisible unless Preferences → General → Show Transparent Status Display Window is turned on.
No value
Fileset type. For shells, "shell".
Cannot be omitted/In SSP, anything in the shell folder is automatically identified as shell
Author's URL.
No value
Network update URL.
No value
The name of the shell explanation text file that is opened during installation or from the menu.
Character code of the explanation text file.
(OS default setting or SSP → Internationalization → Default charset → readme)
The name of the main character of the ghost.
Ghost descript settings
The name of the main character of the ghost. Nickname, etc.
Ghost descript settings
The name of the side character of the ghost.
Ghost descript settings
Name of the \p[*] character.
Ghost descript settings
Descript version of \![set,zorder,(scope ID),(scope ID),...]. It can be preconfigured with no need to run the tag.
No value
Descript version of \![set,sticky-window,(scope ID),(scope ID),...]. It can be preconfigured with no need to run the tag.
No value
Default ※display position information for the entire surface.
Higher priority than ghost side specification, and lower priority than shell side individual specification (such as sakura.seriko.alignmenttodesktop).
※Ghost side overall specification < ghost side scope individual specification < this setting < shell side scope individual specification.
No value
Default ※display position information for the main character.
Higher priority than the shell-side overall specification (seriko.alignmenttodesktop). In other words, it has the highest priority among all the alignmenttodesktop-related specifications.
※Ghost side overall specification < ghost side scope individual specification < shell-side overall specification < this setting.
No value
Default ※display position information for the side character.
Higher priority than the shell-side overall specification (seriko.alignmenttodesktop). In other words, it has the highest priority among all the alignmenttodesktop-related specifications.
※Ghost side overall specification < ghost side scope individual specification < shell-side overall specification < this setting.
No value
Default ※display position information for the third and subsequent characters.
Higher priority than the shell-side overall specification (seriko.alignmenttodesktop). In other words, it has the highest priority among all the alignmenttodesktop-related specifications.
※Ghost side overall specification < ghost side scope individual specification < shell-side overall specification < this setting.
No value
The image's base X coordinate for the main character.
Ghost descript settings (center of image if none)
The image's base X coordinate for the side character.
Ghost descript settings (center of image if none)
The image's base X coordinate for the third and subsequent characters.
Ghost descript settings (center of image if none)
The image's base Y coordinate for the main character.
Ghost descript settings (bottom of image if none)
The image's base Y coordinate for the side character.
Ghost descript settings (bottom of image if none)
The image's base Y coordinate for the third and subsequent characters.
Ghost descript settings (bottom of image if none)
Default X coordinate of the main character's display.
Ghost descript settings
Default X coordinate of the side character's display.
Ghost descript settings
Default X coordinate of the third and subsequent character's display.
Ghost descript settings
Default Y coordinate of the main character's display.
Only valid when seriko.alignmenttodesktop is set to free.
Ghost descript settings
Default Y coordinate of the side character's display.
Only valid when seriko.alignmenttodesktop is set to free.
Ghost descript settings
Default Y coordinate of the third and subsequent character's display.
Only valid when seriko.alignmenttodesktop is set to free.
Ghost descript settings
X coordinate of the main character's balloon position.
With a trailing l or r (e.g., offsetxr), the offset when displaying the balloon on the left and right can be set individually (SSP 2.4.58~).
However, note that when specifying r (right), the X coordinate is reversed (positive coordinates move in the left direction).
Ghost descript settings
Y coordinate of the main character's balloon position.
With a trailing l or r (e.g., offsetxr), the offset when displaying the balloon on the left and right can be set individually (SSP 2.4.58~).
However, note that when specifying r (right), the X coordinate is reversed (positive coordinates move in the left direction).
Ghost descript settings
X coordinate of the side character's balloon position.
With a trailing l or r (e.g., offsetxr), the offset when displaying the balloon on the left and right can be set individually (SSP 2.4.58~).
However, note that when specifying r (right), the X coordinate is reversed (positive coordinates move in the left direction).
Ghost descript settings
Y coordinate of the side character's balloon position.
With a trailing l or r (e.g., offsetxr), the offset when displaying the balloon on the left and right can be set individually (SSP 2.4.58~).
However, note that when specifying r (right), the X coordinate is reversed (positive coordinates move in the left direction).
Ghost descript settings
The ※position information of the main character's balloon.
Ghost descript settings
The ※position information of the side character's balloon.
Ghost descript settings
Prohibit the user from moving the main character's balloon. 1 (or true): prohibits movement.
Do not abuse this option as it inhibits user operation.
Ghost descript settings(balloon.dontmove)
Prohibit the user from moving the side character's balloon. 1 (or true): prohibits movement.
Ghost descript settings (balloon.dontmove)
Prohibit the user from moving the third and subsequent character's balloon. 1 (or true): prohibits movement.
Ghost descript settings (balloon.dontmove)
Define the category name and part name for the part with the animation ID of *. (Main character)
The animation ID is the number that corresponds to the * in "animation*.interval,bind" in the animation definition in surfaces.txt.
Required to display the dressup in the owner draw menu.
Required to be able to use Sakura Script's \![bind,(category name),(part name)] tag. (SSP only)
No action
Whether or not the animation with the ID of * is displayed by default. (Main character)
Simultaneous execution of dressup changes. When the dressup with animation ID * is activated (displayed), the dressup specified with addid is also activated at the same time. Multiple dressup changes can be specified by separating them with a comma.
A dressup that is running concurrently with addid is disabled when the original dressup is disabled. If the same dressup is specified as an addid for multiple dressups, the dressup specified will not be disabled until all the original dressups are disabled. (Main character)
No action
Set options for the dressup category. * is simply a serial number starting from 0. (Main character)
At least one part must always be displayed if "mustselect" is specified. Multiple parts can be displayed at once if "multiple" is specified.
Multiple options can be specified with a + separator.
Part is deselectable, and multiple selections are not allowed
Define the category name and part name for the part with the animation ID of *. (Side character)
The animation ID is the number that corresponds to the * in "animation*.interval,bind" in the animation definition in surfaces.txt.
Required to display the dressup in the owner draw menu.
Required to be able to use Sakura Script's \![bind,(category name),(part name)] tag. (SSP only)
No action
Whether or not the animation with the ID of * is displayed by default.(Side character)
Simultaneous execution of dressup changes. When the dressup with animation ID * is activated (displayed), the dressup specified with addid is also activated at the same time. Multiple dressup changes can be specified by separating them with a comma.
A dressup that is running concurrently with addid is disabled when the original dressup is disabled. If the same dressup is specified as an addid for multiple dressups, the dressup specified will not be disabled until all the original dressups are disabled. (Side character)
No action
Set options for the dressup category. * is simply a serial number starting from 0.
At least one part must always be displayed if "mustselect" is specified. Multiple parts can be displayed at once if "multiple" is specified.
Multiple options can be specified with a + separator.
Part is deselectable, and multiple selections are not allowed
Define the category name and part name for the part with the animation ID of *. (3rd character and after)
The animation ID is the number that corresponds to the * in "animation*.interval,bind" in the animation definition in surfaces.txt.
Required to display the dressup in the owner draw menu.
Required to be able to use Sakura Script's \![bind,(category name),(part name)] tag. (SSP only)
No action
Whether or not the animation with the ID of * is displayed by default.(3rd character and after)
Simultaneous execution of dressup changes. When the dressup with animation ID * is activated (displayed), the dressup specified with addid is also activated at the same time. Multiple dressup changes can be specified by separating them with a comma.
A dressup that is running concurrently with addid is disabled when the original dressup is disabled. If the same dressup is specified as an addid for multiple dressups, the dressup specified will not be disabled until all the original dressups are disabled. (3rd character and after)
No action
Set options for the dressup category. * is simply a serial number starting from 0. (3rd character and after)
At least one part must always be displayed if "mustselect" is specified. Multiple parts can be displayed at once if "multiple" is specified.
Multiple options can be specified with a + separator.
Part is deselectable, and multiple selections are not allowed
Display setting for areas that are not transparent according to the transparency value, even though they are the transparency color of the image (the color of the pixel in the top left corner of the image).
If 0, the original color of the image (transparency color) is displayed with the specified transparency.
If 1, the image is filled with black instead of the color of the image, and then displayed with the specified transparency.
For example, if you specify 0 and prepare a pure white pna image, it will be displayed as it is without a transparency color.
Unspecified (behavior is equivalent to 1 for images with pna as transparency, and 0 for images with the alpha channel of the image itself as transparency)
If set to 1, the alpha channel of the image itself (32-bit PNG) is used as the transparency, not the pna.
Even if it is set to 1, pna is used for surfaces that do not have an alpha channel.