SHIORI Resource is based on the old protocol SHIORI/2.5, which was defined as a request to get simple string information, such as the display of the owner draw menu and homeurl.
This specification allows such information to be controlled on the ghost's side, changing according to its state.
In SHIORI/3.0 and later, as a result of reorganization of the old specifications, there is now no clear distinction in implementation compared to regular SHIORI events.
A feature that differs from normal SHIORI events is that the return value is treated as a simple (short) text (including bool-like objects) rather than SakuraScript. Also, the request ID does not start with "On", and all letters are written in lowercase.
The following four ID requests are usually returned automatically by the SHIORI, and are of no concern on the ghost author's side.
Occurs immediately after loading the SHIORI.
The SHIORI returns the SHIORI version information (not the SHIORI protocol version) for this event.
Occurs immediately after loading the SHIORI.
The SHIORI returns the name of the SHIORI author for this event. Only 7-bit characters can be used.
Occurs immediately after loading the SHIORI.
The SHIORI returns the name of the SHIORI author for this event. 8-bit characters and multibyte characters with default encoding can also be used.
Occurs immediately after loading the SHIORI.
The SHIORI returns the name of the SHIORI (not the ghost name) for this event. Only 7-bit characters can be used.
Occurs when the "Open" button of the developer palette is clicked. Returns the full path to the SHIORI log file.
Refer to SHIORI Event : enable_log.
Location of files for network updates.
You can also write it in descript.txt as a backup in case something goes terribly wrong with the SHIORI.
See the description in descript.txt for which takes precedence.
The number to start counting network update files from.
1 to count from 1, 0 to count from 0, the same as in MATERIA.
Name of the user.
Base X coodinate of the main character's image.
Base X coodinate of the side character's image
Base X coodinate of the image for the 2nd and subsequent characters.
Base Y coodinate of the main character's image.
Base Y coodinate of the side character's image
Base Y coodinate of the image for the 2nd and subsequent characters.
Default X coordinate of the main character's display.
Default X coordinate of the side character's display.
Default X coordinate of the display of the 2nd and subsequent characters.
Default Y coordinate of the main character's display. (Valid only in free movement mode.)
Default Y coordinate of the side character's display. (Valid only in free movement mode.)
Default Y coordinate of the display of the 2nd and subsequent characters. (Valid only in free movement mode.)
Initial screen X and Y coordinates of the input box, where left is X and top is Y.
The box types are as follows: communicatebox, scriptbox, addressbar, teachbox, dateinput, timeinput, ipinput, sliderinput, passwordinput, inputbox
Recommended list on the main character's side.
The value is returned in the following format:
item name 1 [byte value 1]url 1[byte value 1]banner image path 1[byte value 1]talk script on selection 1[byte value 2]...
However, conversion to that format may be done internally by the SHIORI, so refer to the explanation of each SHIORI for details.
The "talk script" is not just a string, but a SakuraScript.
If the url portion begins with "script:" instead of a url, the script will be executed. (\![raise] tags, etc., can also be used).
Portal list on the main character's side.
The value is returned in the following format:
item name 1 [byte value 1]url 1[byte value 1]banner image path 1[byte value 1]talk script on selection 1[byte value 2]...
However, conversion to that format may be done internally by the SHIORI, so refer to the explanation of each SHIORI for details.
The "talk script" is not just a string, but a SakuraScript.
If the url portion begins with "script:" instead of a url, the script will be executed. (\![raise] tags, etc., can also be used).
Recommended list on the side character's side.
The value is returned in the following format:
item name 1 [byte value 1]url 1[byte value 1]banner image path 1[byte value 1]talk script on selection 1[byte value 2]...
However, conversion to that format may be done internally by the SHIORI, so refer to the explanation of each SHIORI for details.
The "talk script" is not just a string, but a SakuraScript.
If the url portion begins with "script:" instead of a url, the script will be executed. (\![raise] tags, etc., can also be used).
Recommended list on the \p[*] side.
The value is returned in the following format:
item name 1 [byte value 1]url 1[byte value 1]banner image path 1[byte value 1]talk script on selection 1[byte value 2]...
However, conversion to that format may be done internally by the SHIORI, so refer to the explanation of each SHIORI for details.
The "talk script" is not just a string, but a SakuraScript.
If the url portion begins with "script:" instead of a url, the script will be executed. (\![raise] tags, etc., can also be used).
SHIORI/3.0 version of the AI graph.
Draws a radar chart based on the ghost's internal state (number of talks, relationship, etc.).
Returns in the following format:
Graph display value group [byte value 1] Graph label group [byte value 1] Graph additive value group [byte value 1] Graph maximum value group
Example: 1250,1500,45,65,19500,4 [b1] HP,rpm,km/h,t,kgf,axis [b1] 100,50,40,0,0,1 [b1] 1350,1550,130,96,20000,8
[b1] indicates byte value 1.
The result will be displayed as follows:
A multiple-specification version of getaistate, where Reference0 receives the number of graphs for which data are requested (numbers start from 0).
To display only two graphs, respond when Reference0 is 0 or 1, and return no value (204) if Reference0 is 2 or more.
The format is the same as getaistate.
Whether or not to use the legacy interface in the right click menu.
If 0 is returned, the "ghost, shell, and balloon toggle buttons" will not be displayed.
Only works with materia582.
Forcibly replace the update target url (homeurl) in \![updateother] and the shell/balloon simultaneous update function.
If no replacement is needed, return 204 or an empty string.
Regarding the following items: there are also events to control whether the item is displayed or not. The names are the same as the following events, but "caption" is replaced with "visible".
If the return is 1, it is displayed. If it is 0, it is not displayed (cannot be clicked).
[Unchangeable]Name of the language button.
Name of the recommended button for \p[*].
Obtaining tooltip content in the shell.
Notified when the mouse cursor hovers over a shell surface.
If there is a shell-side setting, that takes precedence.
Obtaining tooltip content for balloon choices.
Notified when the mouse cursor hovers over a choice.