Overall structure
Translated Document
This document has been translated from the original Japanese by members of the Ukagaka Dream Team community.
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Ghost and Shell
Ghost configuration files are placed in the ghost storage folder of the baseware (SSP, materia, etc.).
All ghosts must have one master ghost and master shell.
From the shell's perspective, every shell always belongs to a ghost.
Therefore, the file structure of both will be such that the shell is included in the ghost as shown below.
+-(myghost) +-ghost +-master +-descript.txt +-shiori.dll +-makoto.dll +-updates2.dau +-*.ico +-*.cur +-shell +-master +-descript.txt +-surface*.png +-surface*.pna +-(element).png +-(element).pna +-surfaces.txt +-makoto.dll (Only when necessary) +-menu_background.png +-menu_foreground.png +-menu_sidebar.png +-readme.txt (Only when necessary) +-thumbnail.png +-surfaces**.txt (SSP only) +-surfacetable.txt (Only when necessary) (SSP only) +-alias.txt (Only when necessary) (Old specification) +-(additional_shell) +-delete.txt (Only when necessary) +-delete1.txt (delete[number].txt will also be recognized) +-developer_options.txt (Only when necessary) (SSP only) +-readme.txt (Only when necessary) +-terms.txt (Only when necessary) +-thumbnail.png
Balloons are managed centrally under a single baseware, not per-ghost, and are shared by all ghosts.
Each balloon configuration file is placed in the balloon storage folder of the baseware as shown below.
+-(myballoon) +-descript.txt +-balloons*s.txt +-balloonk*s.txt +-readme.txt (Only when necessary) +-terms.txt (Only when necessary) +-balloons*.png +-balloonk*.png +-balloons*.pna (Not available in MATERIA) +-balloonk*.pna (Not available in MATERIA) +-balloonc*.png +-online*.png +-sstp.png +-arrow*.png +-thumbnail.png +-ok_down.png/ok_up.png (SSP only) +-cancel_down.png/cancel_up.png (SSP only) +-mode_down.png/mode_up.png )SSP only) +-sstp_new.png (SSP only) +-marker.png (SSP only) +-delete.txt (SSP only, only when necessary) +-delete1.txt (delete[number].txt will also be recognized)
- (myghost)\
Each ghost's home directory (root folder).
Alphanumeric folder names are recommended.
- (myghost)\ghost\
Folder of files for internal operation of the ghost.
- (myghost)\ghost\master\
Folder used by default for the ghost.
Currently only master is used (it is a remnant of past design).
For details on the file structure in the ghost folder, go to the "Ghost" page.
For more information on makoto.dll, go to the "translator" page.
- (myghost)\shell\
A folder that contains the folders of the ghost's shells (a group of files for displaying graphics).
- (myghost)\shell\master\
Default shell folder. Required.
- (myghost)\shell\(additional_shell)\
Folders for additional shells. The name is arbitrary (alphanumeric characters recommended). File structure is the same as master.
Any number of them can exist. If they exist, they can be switched to from the owner draw menu, etc.
For details on the file structure in the shell folder, go to the "shell page.
For menu_background.png, menu_foreground.png, and menu_sidebar.png, go to the "Owner Draw Menu" page.
For more information on makoto.dll, go to the "translator" page.
- (myghost)\delete.txt
File deletion configuration file.
See link for details.
- (myghost)\developer_options.txt
SSP only. Configuration file for nar and update file creation.
See link for details.
- (myghost)\readme.txt
Readme for the entire ghost.
It is common to indicate the distributor, source of distribution, etc.
If you write "charset,UTF-8" in the first line or include a BOM, you can use charsets other than Shift JIS.
It can be opened during installation or from the owner draw menu.
Can be omitted, but should be present.
- (myghost)\terms.txt
Terms of use indication; a dialog box appears to display this content prior to installation of the NAR/ZIP file.
It will interrupt the installation and display a dialog, so only use it if absolutely necessary.
Like the readme, if you write "charset,UTF-8" in the first line or include a BOM, you can use charsets other than Shift JIS.
Can be omitted, and should be omitted if unnecessary.
- (myghost)\thumbnail.png
Thumbnail displayed when the ghost is selected in the menu tree.
Acceptable image formats are png or jpg.
A png renamed to pnr treats the color in the upper left corner of the image (coordinates 0,0) as transparency.
- (myballoon)\
Each balloon's home directory (root folder).
Alphanumeric folder names are recommended.
For details on the file structure in the balloon folder, go to the "balloon" page.