The contents of this page are especially difficult to translate, and many of the translations are not accurate. If you have knowledge of the external plugins/programs/ghosts listed here and can provide a better translation, please do.
Some of the names on this page have been translated, if they had an English/romanized name listed, or such a name is commonly known for the item in question.
All translated entries have their original name listed in parenthesis, unless the original name was only listed in English.
Ghost names have not been translated at all.
The following includes events whose issuers are external—such as those originating from applications outside the baseware via SSTP, or those issued by ghosts or plugins to other ghosts—as well as events returned by the recipients of those events.
This page is only an unofficial document for the publishers of such events, and the information may be inaccurate due to subsequent updates. Please refer to the official description of each event for details.
If you know of an event that has not been listed, please report it to us. We will be happy to list them.
Events marked with [NOTIFY] are always notified with the NOTIFY command.
Any scripts returned to events notified with the NOTIFY command will be ignored.
Events not specifically indicated may be notified as either NOTIFY or GET, depending on the circumstances.
Occurs when other ghosts transmit arbitrarily.
When this event is sent, the OnGetValues event should be sent via \![raiseother].
Event to be returned when OnRequestValues is recieved.
Occurs when asked to talk by NullPointerHi. (Translator note: NullPointerHi is the romanized name of the ghost.)
Occurs when the hand goes to touch or finishes touching another ghost.
While touching, sends (OnMouseMove|OnMouseDoubleClick|OnMouseWheel) events to the ghost with Sender:The Hand.
Occurs every turn of a mock battle conducted by the ghost.
Occurs every turn of a mock battle conducted by the ghost.
Occurs for each result of a cirtual battle conducted by the magistrier.
Curry family / Occurs when Saki and Ukon invite other ghosts that are running to the game.
Curry family / Occurs when Saki and Ukon start the game.
Curry family / Occurs when it is the turn of one's own ghost during a game played by Saki and Ukon.
Curry family / Occurs when marking during a game played by Saki and Ukon.
Curry family / Occurs when the ghost rolls the dice during a game played by Saki and Ukon, and it is not Dobon.
Curry family / Occurs when one of the participating ghosts gets Dobon during a game played by Saki and Ukon.
Curry family / Occurs when your ghost's turn ends during a game played by Saki and Ukon.
Curry family / Occurs when one of the ghosts scores a goal during a game played by Saki and Ukon.
Curry family / Occurs at the end of the game played by Saki and Ukon, after the ranking is displayed.
Event that should be sent to Saki via \[raiseother].
An event notified to each ghost before the tea party begins, based on "奏でる日常の音色" (this ghost).
Ghost attending the tea party will immediately join this event,\![raiseother,かなで,(Variable name reply event),(Ghost's corresponding tea party version number),(Ghost's sakura name),(※Information corresponding to the Tea Party version)]
You will need to execute the SakuraScript for the event.
Dialogue in the event other than execution of this script is deprecated.
An event in which a ghost that receives an OnKanadeTeaPartyInfomationRequest is notified via raiseother to "奏でる日常の音色" (this ghost).
The event name is notified in Reference2 of OnKanadeTeaPartyInfomationRequest.
Tea Party body event. Notified at the start of the tea party.
Tea Party end event. "奏でる日常の音色" (this ghost) will be notified after the tea party end dialogue.
※Information corresponding to the Tea Party version
An event that requires a response. Use raiseother or notifyother as the response method.
Events that do not require a response.
Notification when the map is cleared.
Occurs when Needle "pokes" another ghost (by overlapping them). If Needle is overlapping multiple scopes simultaneously, the event will be sent once for each scope.
Occurs when the plugin is executed.
Occurs when the plugin is executed.
Occurs when the plugin is executed.
An event that notifies information about the stamp.
Occurs at ghost startup, plugin loading/unloading, and any time OnStampInfoCall is sent.
Event to be sent to the stamp book via raiseplugin, for stamping.
Event sent to the stamp book via raiseplugin when you want OnStampInfo to occur at an arbitrary time from the ghost side.
Occurs when the folder designation is normal and the save file is found successfully.
Occurs when the folder designation is normal but the save file is not found.
Occurs when the folder designation is incorrect, or when SHIORI is not the target of the operation.
Occurs when information is available at ghost startup/information has been updated.
Occurs when information was previously available but has disappeared.
When CrystalDiskInfo is terminated, etc.
Sends information about the current weather conditions to all open ghosts. This event occurs every hour, every time another ghost boots, and any time any ghost requests it with \![raiseplugin].
Sends information about the sun and moon to all open ghosts. Must be called with \![raiseplugin]. An additional argument can be sent to specify which day's data should be sent. 0 for today, 1 for tomorrow, 2 for the day after tomorrow. If no argument is given, it will default to today.
Sends information about weather alerts to all open ghosts. Must be called with \![raiseplugin]. Will return nothing if there are no alerts.
Sends information about the overall forecast for a day to all open ghosts. Must be called with \![raiseplugin]. An additional argument can be sent to specify which day's data should be sent. 0 for today, 1 for tomorrow, 2 for the day after tomorrow. If no argument is given, it will default to today.
Sends information about the hour-by-hour forecast for a day to all open ghosts. Must be called with \![raiseplugin]. An additional argument can be sent to specify which day's data should be sent. 0 for today, 1 for tomorrow, 2 for the day after tomorrow. If no argument is given, it will default to today.
Sends error information to all open ghosts. This event is sent in place of the previous events if there is an error of any kind.
A list of conditions can be downloaded from weatherapi's documentation page. This list is also available in other languages, but information from the plugin will always be sent in english.
Index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Band | Low | Low | Low | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | High | High | High | Very High |
µgm-3 | 0-11 | 12-23 | 24-35 | 36-41 | 42-47 | 48-53 | 54-58 | 59-64 | 65-70 | 71 or more |
Occurs during Spectre's dialogues to call for surface changes from the ghost that is currently being spoken to.
Note that this event does not come directly from the plugin itself, but rather is called from the ghost side by embed tags within the dialogues.
The expressions included are the recommended expressions, plus a few extra that are common in English ghosts.
Expressions which the ghost's shell cannot produce accurately should be ignored and not return a response, as the plugin will use this information for its own purposes.
Occurs upon opening the plugin menu if this ghost is not yet "calibrated". Also occurs any time the user chooses to "racalibrate" this ghost.
Returning a specific response completes a handshake that allows the ghost to complete the "calibration" step automatically.
The required response is the following tag: \![raiseplugin,Spectre,OnCustomCalibrationConfirm]
Within this tag, references should be sent containing expression data. The references should be written the same as the ones received in the OnSpectrePlugin.Surface event, and may be written in any order.
By default, only expressions that the ghost does not provide should be sent. The plugin assumes that any expressions not listed are present.
For ghosts with few compatible expressions, an option may be used to invert this behavior, and make the plugin use only expressions that are listed.
For ghosts with no compatible expressions, a special reference is provided.
Expressions which the ghost's shell cannot produce accurately should be listed as references in this tag (or should be omitted, if using the inverted behavior), as the plugin will use this information for its own purposes.
Occurs 15 seconds after Spectre displays a dialogue through this ghost.
Note that this event does not come directly from the plugin itself, but rather is called from the ghost side by a timerraise tag placed at the end of dialogues.
A return notification event sent by httpc.dll, via DirectSSTP after execution of a function provided by httpc.dll with the asynchronous execution option.
Occurs when mushrooms grow on the head.
Occurs when the mushroom disappears from the head.
Occurs when trying to switch mushroom skins.
Occurs when the mushroom skin is switched.
Occurs when a mushroom skin is installed by drag and drop.
Occurs when the remaining battery charge is less than 40%.
Note that there is an event of the same name notified by SSP.
Occurs when the remaining battery charge is less than 20%.
Note that there is an event of the same name notified by SSP.
Occurs when system resources are below 50%.
Occurs when system resources are below 30%.
Occurs when a falling object appears within the visible area.
Occurs when a falling object hits.
Occurs when re-dropping dropped items.
Occurs when a falling object that hit disappears from the visible area.
Occurs when a falling object that did not hit disappears from the visible area.
Occurs when music is played.
Occurs when the scheduled timer that was set reaches 0.
Occurs at the start of a new game.
Occurs when the game is started.
Occurs when the game ends.
Occurs every real-world hour from the start of the game.
Occurs when moving to a different map.
Occurs when PC or pet level is raised.
Occurs when the skill level of the PC or pet is raised.
Occurs when the PC or pet's skill level drops.
Occurs when a PC is converted.
Occurs when a pet joins the group.
Occurs when going to sleep.
Occurs when waking from sleep.
Occurs when NPCs are investigated.
Occurs when random events occur.
Occurs when an adventurer's news topic is added.
Occurs when the wish input dialog is displayed.
Occurs when a wish is entered.
Occurs when the PC dies.
Occurs when a pet dies.
Occurs after will entry.
Occurs when Norn's Adventure Guide is displayed.
Occurs when you separate from your pet.
Occurs when a pet is sold to a slaver.
Occurs when selling a wife to Raphael.
Occurs at marriage.
Occurs when a marriage proposal is rejected.
Occurs when joining a guild.
Occurs when mutation happens.
Occurs during mutation treatment.
Occurs during ether disease breakouts.
Occurs during ether disease treatment.
Occurs at the time of God's descent.
Occurs when Umimiah is activated.
Occurs when nuclear bombs are purchased.
Occurs when a nuclear bomb is placed.
Occurs when a nuclear bomb explodes.
Occurs when "Lomias", an emissary of the deformed forest, joins the party.
Occurs when "Lomias", an emissary of the deformed forest, is killed.
Occurs when the false prophet "Zeome" is defeated.
Occurs when Lesimas is conquered.
Occurs when karma increases and you are no longer a criminal.
Occurs when karma decreases and you become a criminal.
Occurs when the PC starts to perform.
Occurs when the PC begins to undress for pleasureable things.
Occurs when you finish stealing an item.
Occurs when the treasure map location is dug up.
Occurs when the treasure map is read.
Occurs when a skill is learned from a trainer.
Occurs when the weather changes.
Occurs when doomsday arrives.
Occurs when the sister's day arrives.
Occurs when you pray to God.
Occurs when an item is offered at the altar.
Occurs when you pray to God but he is indifferent.
Occurs when you try to pray to God in unbelief.
Occurs when moving to another area (* is the area number).
Occurs when the PC puts the invoice in the tax box.
Occurs when a PC cooks an item.
Occurs when moving to another unspecified area.
Occurs when one hour has elapsed in in-game time.
Occurs when the grandmapocalypse happens.
Notification at each game point. See ※Server Commands below.
The following commands require a reply. If the requester is GHOST, you can reply with \![raiseother], etc., but if the requester is an external application and the notification is by SSTP, it is necessary to reply using the X-SSTP-PassThru-* header.
When replying with \![raiseother], the OnMahjongResponse event is returned. When the SHIORI response header is used, X-SSTP-PassThru-ID: OnMahjongResponse is used.
If an empty character is set as the requested target, the server is considered to have delegated the response to the client.
Reply to the OnMahjong event. See ※Client Commands below.
Occurs when Satolist is started.
Occurs when a ghost is read by Satolist.
Occurs when a ghost is saved in Satolist.
Occurs when Satolist is about to exit.
Occurs when an event is created in Satolist.
Occurs when the dictionary folder in "Dictionary" is changed.
Occurs when an expedition is started.
Occurs when the expedition is completed.
Notification may be a few seconds earlier than the actual end of the expedition due to specifications.
Occurs when the inner guard is started.
Occurs when the inner guard is finished.
The ghost_terminal event when this ghost is started.
The ghost_terminal event generated when a normal program ends.
Event when ghost_terminal gets the name.
Event after command is entered
Value result event query
Replyable header 1:
Replyable header 2:
Replyable header 3: Empty
Wait 1 second and rerun ShioriEcho.GetResult
The command completes the event with a tab.
Event when command is updated.
Event when the command prompt is updated.
Event when the user presses `→` on the right end of the command line.
Event when an empty command is added to the end of the command history.
Event when the command history is updated.
Event when command history is retrieved.
Event when the user presses `↑` and the index is updated.
Occurs when an external application is launched.
Occurs when an external application exits.
Occurs when notified of the presence of an external application.
Occurs when notified of external application version information.
Occurs when an external application completes some process.
Occurs when an external application opens a document file.
Occurs when notified of website updates/new information.
Occurs when an example script from Ukadoc's SakuraScript List is run.
Note that if you implement this event, you will need to escape dangerous SakuraScript tags yourself.