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    Reference: HEADLINE/1.1 (External site)


    HEADLINE/2.0 is a revised version of the old specification (1.1). It is currently only implemented in SSP.

    The main change is the addition of a character code specification.

    Headline substance

    Two files are required: a configuration file called "descript.txt", and a dll file that includes the export of the execute function.


    Please refer to the DLL page.

    request - response 1: version acquisition

    request example

    GET Version HEADLINE/2.0
    Charset: UTF-8
    Sender: SSP

    request header details

    Character code
    Event source

    response example

    HEADLINE/2.0 200 OK
    Charset: UTF-8
    Value: HeadlineModule 1.1

    response header details

    [Optional] Character code. If omitted, it will be the one specified by the caller.
    [Optional] Version string

    request - response 2: Get Headlines

    request example

    GET Headline HEADLINE/2.0
    Charset: UTF-8
    Sender: SSP
    Option: url
    Path: C:\SSP\temp\ad9326dc37cb86a9.html

    request header details

    Character code
    Event source
    [Optional] Options that can be parsed in the response. Comma-separated list.
    Currently only URL. See Headline header section of response.
    File path (full path) of the headline analysis target.

    response example

    HEADLINE/2.0 200 OK
    Charset: UTF-8
    Headline: example1
    Headline: example2
    Headline: example3
    Headline: example4
    Headline: example5

    response header details

    [Optional] Character code. If omitted, it will be the one specified by the caller.
    [Optional] The desired charset for the next call. If omitted, same as Charset.
    Headline content.
    If a URL is included in the Option header when calling, such as Option: url, it supports URL expansion.
    In this case, if you respond with the format "content[1]URL", with [1] representing a byte 1 value, the ghost will be notified of the URL. If the ghost supports it, you may be able jump to the details by clicking on the item, for example.
    Note that the returned text is not a fragment of SakuraScript, and tags cannot be used. Just plain text is returned.


    Please refer to the Headline settings page.

    SHIORI Event

    For details, please refer to the SHIORI Event page.

    At the start of Headline Sense.
    When there is content to read out.
    When the headline sense ends normally.
    When headline sense fails.


    GET Headline is called twice, once for the old file and once for the new file. However, the order of old -> new may be reversed in some implementations, so do not create a process that depends on the order.

    If you want it to always display while debugging (without "no update"), try writing alwaysdisplay,1 in the descript.txt file (be sure to delete it after debugging is finished).